Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Pancakes, Pancakes, Pancakes

Ok, I don't know if I'll survive writing this post since my tummy is gurgling with all the SUGAR I had today. But, I'll try.

Today was pancake tuesday. I was really excited because I was going to have Pancakes for lunch and dinner. We started cooking pancakes in class at about 10:35, just after science class. We cooked and plugged in so many things that the teacher said that if I turned on the computer, the fuse would litterally blow. Oh and today was also the DEBUT of my new magic trick, the "Cough, Cough Signature Trick". Anyway, my first pancake basically looked like this.

Then, I took a break and practiced my trick with my right hand man Colja Boy...I mean Colton. I got a couple more pancakes and then it was time to do my trick. Everyone was impressed and I will try to post a video of it on youtube.

L8er, I got home then left straight to church. We made pancakes for everyone. I made and flipped about two hundred and 57 thousand baches. My hands are soooo tired.

I just finished eating chili and I don't think my tummy will survive the nite..........


OH and btw, biddie, i totally agree with ur thought on the filming of cloverfield. :P


el fafa said...

Hola Sobrino, que bueno que los panqueques te salieron bien. Yo me imagino que si tus manos quedaron cansadas de hacerlos imaginate los de la abuela Haydee, que hacia de a 120 aproximademente para todos sus nietos en una noche, que te cuente tu Papa. En mas, el tiene el record de panqueques comidos en una noche con 18 y yo "solo" comi 15...pero lo mio es con mas merito ya que el los hacia solo con azucar y yo con dulce de leche.
te mando un abrazo y hasta la proxima.

santi49 said...

wow! icreible

J-oda said...

A mi me gustan más saladas!

En casa las como con mantequilla y queso blanco!

Mi hermano si las prefiere con capa doble de miel!